Aviation Quality Support, a company based in the Netherlands, is currently using TELS as tool in the Part-M -G and -I training for CAMO and Airworthiness Review. This training is delivered by JAA TO (Joint Aviation Authorities Training Organisation).

Bas van Wijk from JAA TO during a training session with TELS running in the background.

Training 2
From a Part-M training for CAMO and Airworthiness Review held in June 2014. Here photographed during the practical training using TELS as a tool.

JAA TO is planning several more training courses in the coming year, also using TELS as a training tool and delivered by Bas van Wijk.

Asked to give a short description of the course Bas provides us with the following excerpt:

TELS is being used in the Part-M -G and -I training for CAMO and Airworthiness Review, delivered by the JAA TO. In this training the responsibilities regarding Airworthiness for aircraft/helicopters are being discussed. Also the CAMO organisation and their role regarding the Airworthiness Review Certificate. At the end of the theoretical part of the training a “real” airworthiness review is done on C182 aircraft, for this part of the training we use TELS. In TELS we have access to 4 different C182, and in about 1 ½ hour the participants of the course do an airworthiness review. The goal of this task is: experiencing an review, discuss typical problems encountered during a review, see the importance that TC and EASA info is needed. And discover the value of a good tool. (IN this case TELS).

For more information about the course please visit the JAA TO homepage at https://jaato.com/courses/233/.




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